Elsword: How to make Aisha’s system not shit

Before talking about that, I just have to mention that I found that implementing systems into pvp quite dumb from the start. Most of these systems were built to supplement their weaknesses in pve. Which is why I find Raven’s system to be the best when it’s the most boring.

Raven sucked at clearing sections in pve, so now there’s something to cover that up.
Elsword at the time had very little in terms of protection against bosses, so give him a berserker attitude that just gives explosive power. Chung with ammo, Ara with orbs and so forth.
However, it’s just abusive in pvp especially in comparison to Ara/Chung which is pve based compared to Add’s that was pvp based. And how crazy Vitality stance in pvp is quite hilarious where I can kill the whole team in seconds and another guy I used to play with drained all their mp with Luna Blade.
It’s one of the reasons why I mained DC in pvp since I could go about situations in several ways instead of just going for the kill.

A system should be fun, it should be a completely new addition that makes you rethink how you play. Aisha’s memorize, does nothing. It’s quite boring and in the end, it lets you have some skills in reserve for one time use so maybe you’ll do it twice in a run(6 skills). I’d understand if using the memorize system would actually buff the damage of the skill by 2 or something. It wouldn’t be fun at the slightest, but I’d at least see how it’d be useful.

Now we already have an archetype for systems. It works so why not just use it again and change it up a bit. We also a protected button(v) to use at our disposal. And we should also remove it from pvp so the balancing concept won’t destroy how fun a system can be made.

So generally, you hit things and some type of tool grows stronger and you can launch it and the power depends on how much you hit things. Now change that a bit; your tool only grows by using mp. Let’s say all mp consumption gives 1/2 of what you used. So 100mp will give 50mp to the bar, etc.
Make the bar have 4 limits that much up to 100mp. Your max damage potential comes in at 75%. 100mp is considered an overload.

Now you have the methods of gaining the system, but what does it do? And that’s the beauty of systems, why limit yourself to one thing, way of the sword was the better system to begin with.
You have the V key, but now extend what it can do with directional inputs. V+^ can be a sunction skill. V+> is the generic projectile that damages things. V+v is a straight up buff such as: MP gain +6%, damage +15%, movement+15%, etc. Of course, this means they’re all divisible by 3, meaning 25mp would only give you a 5% movement buff. This also counts on the range of the suction and the damage of the projectile.

But now you can consider, wouldn’t that make DW op because she makes the most mp(thus can use the most) of all Aishas? And yeah, but she was kind of weak too. But this comes the beauty of how you can change a system. The system has 4 stages. Thus if you pass 100mp, you overload, causing a 4th stage of the generic projectile(yo can consider the overload to be maybe 2x the damage of the stage 3 projectile), while depleting half your health. So, a crap DW will most likely kill itself half the time, lol.

And in the end, you should have at least have a catalyst to explain why the system exists. And that’s rather simple, when the story provided Aisha a ring right from the start.
And I wrote all of this under 10 minutes (屮゚Д゚)屮.

Elsword: Why Rena doesn’t need a revamp

It’s been awhile since I talked about Elsword. I was actually writing about another VN, but I’ll hold up on that. Though not many care about that anyway, lol(aside from Cartagra that for some reason does get some views even today).

Anyways, back onto the topic. I heard Rena was going to be the first one going to be revamped. The problem with that is what KOG means by revamp. They usually get confused with this terminology(revamp, rebalance, systems). Sometimes a revamp is just a rebalance(LK, BM, Nem), unlike an actual revamp(VP, DC, RF(though some might not agree).

Simple improvements can be called revamps, we just don’t call them that because the customer would outrage at such simple changes. For example, kog once improved Rena’s attack speed(Rena technically starts at 20% aspd now compared to the original), and they just called it a buff. And it is a buff, however because it changed how fun Rena played, you can also call it a revamp.

Buffing her skills’ damage is not a revamp, it’s just a rebalance.
However, that’s basically what she needs when they implemented that shitty distance:damage ratio idea awhile back. Just removing that can be considered a revamp(them doing that in the first place was a revamp, just a negative one, as it fully changed how I played some characters).

Thus comes to my point that Rena doesn’t really need a revamp. She’s now fast as hell, she got a fast loop so GA has less mp issues while also giving WS an extra loop to alternate depending on the situation. The system should change but I’ll talk about that another time. If anything, the only thing is missing. I have a lot of fun playing her.

I’d find other characters to have a larger need to be revamped(not rebalanced), such as base Aisha/Elsword.
Normally I ask for Nemesis stuff, but I still find her fun. Honestly, the old Nemesis post I wrote still stands, which can be considered a revamp since it’d give some anti-air moves and an extra catch move alongside the MEB fix.

Elsword: How to improve on the current skill tree layout

Note: This will address how to improve the current skill tree layout. If I wanted to just rehash the skill tree layout then I’d just bring back the old layout and then just add the multiple skill branches from the current one to have one specifically for pvp.

Normally, I’d talk about all the old skill trees that we’ve had. Some that you know, some that you don’t know.
First one was the truest to the name of a skill tree. It was pretty bad for classes that had to choose between bad skills and higher attack power or the reverse manner. Each skill had a cap of level 3.
This was corrected when the initial passives and actives were introduced, such as kick and stoic. Then locked skills were introduced around 2 months later I believe. This one has been around the longest, and I believe a lot of people still liked this one.
Last one is the one we have now, having a cap of level 20 until rings get involved.

Now that I got that out of the way, there’s two changes I’ll be talking about.

A) Lowering the initial level limit of every skill.

Honestly, I don’t know why you have to get to a specific level and then somehow the character can just get it to level 2 immediately, game-wise. It’s more based on ocd of always having something new every 5 levels than anything else.
Thus, after you get an advancement. decrement the level requirement of everything aside from the initial skill by 5. Thus it’d be 15>20>25 instead of 15>25>30. Then for the 1st advancement, have it as 25>28>31>34. How did 30>30>31>34 get through development, it makes no sense. 2nd advancement is the same concept 45>45>48>52 becomes 40>44>48>52.

B) Beneficial penalty system.

So, with the players restricted to choose only one of the two skills in a normal row, it causes a few changes. On one hand, there’ll be more variation; On the other hand, you’re screwing up a few classes but it needed both. Having both would lead to sp problems anyway.
Now let’s enable the player to choose both, but instead employ a penalty system.
Let’s say the player mains DC, and the players wants both Rumble Shot and Leg Shot. Now let’s say he picks Leg Shot first, costing the player 4sp. Now, Rumble Shot’s sp requirement gets a modifier of 1.5x, thus causing the sp requirement to raise to 6sp.

While at the very base, the same concept; How it’s done changes how all the players play into a much more sense of variety.
The player no longer feels screwed, it’s the players choice if (s)he wants to pick both or to choose one to raise something else with the limited sp points they have. It also boosts the variety in pvp. There’s more choices for the player, there’s also more things to think about when fighting others. Does the DC have both the gun and cannon passives? Does Grand Master have that kd passive to consider. Does that TT have both fields. Is RF sporting both passives or both bolts. Is that RS using rune passives. Does that Nem have EHW alongside the crit passives. The list can go for awhile.

Elsword: How a simple change of a boss mechanic substantially changes how the game plays

Note: The first part of the post is to address the delays, this leads up to the boss mechanic that was changed(and the reason why I wanted to make this post).

Recently, there was a patch that removed delay on skills and awakening when fighting a boss(I think it was the 4th of December).I wasn’t really paying attention, but according to some people from skype, youtube, etc, a lot of people didn’t like about that. I answered this on a youtube comment and I’m too lazy to do it again so it’s a direct c&v, though I can explain it better here I guess.

It’s a patchjob to a problem that is only brought upon due to the overall laziness in the development of bosses such as Ran(while cool) and above(for the most part bland).
Mainly, it’s just a prevention of spamming moves to make the bosses “harder”.
While the idea, in and of itself, is fine; The whole issue is that these bosses have just became high damage high hp tanks and nothing else, while previous bosses have motifs(while some have still have horrendously huge def/hp like Overlords/Vanguard).
Thus causing the normal strategy most people used(which is just be mindless, get really good gear and spam pots). Since it got patched, it was a common occurrence in the game; Making it more of a slap to themselves on their own development.

To put it shortly, you might get screwed if you were Iframing to dodge a skill and the boss used another right after(such as you’d get hit by Ran’s best move now). But it’s more of a nerf to parties where we’d normally just gank and chug mp pots until it dies like a minute later.

However, the nerf is still a pretty poor choice. They took away something that made the bosses easier, sure; But that’s not why the boss was easy to begin with. They’re just becoming tanks, boring tanks. Anything that is prolonged isn’t fun, it’s annoying. That’s why King Nasod’s HP was nerfed around 4 times(it’s hp is around 1/4 of it’s former before the rvamp, not sure about now).
With all the new revamps, I find Chloe and Ignis to be some of the better ones. Nerfing Ignis was also a waste of time. His moves had way too damage, yes, but they were all telegraphed to the point where it might’ve been too much. With that, it wasn’t the Ignis’ fault, it was yours. This is also the same with Chloe, she has extremely high damage now, and while it’s not long as Ignis, it’s still telegraphed. And before the nerfs years ago, both Amethyst and King Nasod were in that category. These were bosses that hit hard, and you will probably die the first and maybe the second time(for people in korean version, everybody else has videos which kind of spoils the magic of learning and discovering everything on your own).

Now to the main subject, the removal of stoic from bosses. Is it me or was there nothing on the patch notes about this? Honestly, I waited a few days just to see if it was a mistake on their end. And after 2-3 patches and it still being there, it might be something that will stay(then again, there was a Genocide Ripper bug that stayed for half a year).

This little change has opened quite a lot of new types of playing. The largest change is how dps characters aren’t total bullshit anymore. You can play with Nemesis and not just be a crit+atomic shield user on a slim boss. It buffs a lot of characters such as: CN, DW, IS, IP and BH, Cra.
It even buffs any character that is a multi hit character for the most part(like Raven, Add, Ara).
It can also prevents massive spam(determined by party members, party members that doesn’t kd/launch/etc won’t have a problem, they’ll even be better(like CrA)) as there’s no way to prevent the boss from just going into the sky. Instead, we’d have to wait for the boss to use a stoic move itself for us to abuse it. Thus introducing a reflex+reward system(as some bosses have only a slight stoic animation(like the new Chloe, due to revamp, you can use skills such as shockwave and FG).

I might actually play Elsword for awhile just for this, but the grinding nature is always a putoff. I’m also reading steins’Gate ‘v ‘(which I had installed for a month, lol(at least it’s better than some I have that I never completed and it’s been years).

Nemesis actives and the restructure of her skill tree.

Note: I’ll leave skills in another post. I honestly just wanted to talk about the actives, but that involves the skill tree being reconstructed.

Eve is pretty much my favorite character in elsword. While I’m known for LK, I’ve actually had 7 eves before I even made an SK.
I also made videos just for her styles:


On to the topic at hand, most of Eve to Nemesis actives are kind of shit. They look cool, yes, but that’s really all there is.

Skill Explanation Change
Cloaking: The active is rather useless. It has no use in pve for the most part. In pvp, you might get by if it was a 3v3, but almost everything gets by in a 3v3, so what’s the point. Instead we can remove that active, and add a phase shift dash. More or less like rushing sword, except the damage won’t be the major point, but a decent delay. Thus the player can have a choice betweem blink(a mindgame active), or the one mentioned, for speed and catching.
Metal Dust: Do people even use this anymore? The damage is pretty crap and it just gives away mp like crazy. It’d be fine if it was like sword shield(since I never made a post about it, saying sword shield is op is like saying teleport is op, it’s not that hard to get around it)I kind of want it to work like mana shield, except I’ll be having a different post about VP/DW and Aisha in general. Thus, have metal dust have a 20% defense buff for melee hits. For low types of magic, have the magic reflected back(this will also make Atomic Shield more understandable in Nemesis skill tree). While it might seem op, I honestly find the buff I’m thinking for Mana Shield way more abusable. Have the cooldown and duration to 10 seconds, no damage at all.
MEB: Why do we still got to bloody hold a button for this active? Eve already takes more practice to move well, doing it while having a stationary finger on a button is absurd. Press once to start, press again to shoot when you want.

I’ll talk about Spear Burst later.

Now to skill tree reconstruction, I’ve posted both Exotic and Nemesis, then I’ll explain why.

Incorporate aspects of both Hornet Stings; It can pierce 2, and then it will explode. It will explode after piercing first one unless the next is incredibly near. Causes automatic pull(I call it hookshot).
Next to metal dust, I’d like a whip move that goes diagonally and drags them back to you. Thus it’s not only sort of an anti-air, it’s also a move that be used after >>xz.


EHW should be her first passive, it’s really what makes Nem feel like Nem, sadly the crit passive is just better.
Incorporate the Blasters together, Sonic seems pretty useless to me.
Original Spear Burst should be buffed. Honestly, I don’t use it all that much, when you got >>zxx. Also, if done on the ground, then it should be a horizontal triple stab with enough stun to continue a combo.
The new spear burst I’m thinking of is a downwards diagonal, like RF’s >>^zx, when Nem is in the air. If you’re on the ground, it’s a stinger, however it will cause a horizontal launch.

How to improve LK and others with just using the story as a mechanic

Note: This post was written around 3 weeks before being published since I kept releasing other stuff first.

This actually pretty far back when I finished Comyu(might do review on that), it had a class concept that was underused(there’s five classes per team(meaning five people)). In short, there are normal classes like Fighter and Mage. Each class has a specific high stats alongside other stats. EG: Fighter has 10 attack but lower on other things(10 is the supposed normal max). Funny enough, Mage is about control and speed, not magic damage, just like how priest is about defense than actual healing(why wasn’t it just called paladin).

With the short explanation aside, there’s a few rare classes like Bishop and Lord, I’ll specifically talk about Lord. The Lord class had straight nines in every aspect. He’s different from other classes in the case that he doesn’t join his power with the rest of his team, rather he gets buffed by the rest of the team.

It’d be cool if LK and the others would get a passive to exemplify what they are. Honestly, while it will be quite a workload to actually balance and make them somewhat unique, a secondary system that buffs themselves and others dependent on the classes are present in the party is quite interesting as it can tie up the story nicely.

Thus it should be split into two sections:
A general passive that affects others and maybe yourself(Have it activate during a specific skill, and give it a cooldown). For example, LK during the arma will give everybody some extra range. RS’s crit sword and sword enchantment will affect everybody. Other examples can be IS with sword shield(gives everybody said shield), BM with Bloody Accel(reduce hp gain), RF with Arch Enemy(gives party the use of one core per member(the javelins become cores, lol)); VC with Napalm(allowing everybody to use skills in the air), CN’s QT(giving one spear to use for 10 seconds), etc.

Passive that is dependent on your own class and the others’. For example, LK and BM will have a different buff than LK and RF.
This will cause a good amount of trouble as people will seek more optimal teams. Certain combinations should reap better benefits with each other depending on their background. For example, LK and BM should have a bigger buff to each other than that of LK with RF. Probably RF and IS will get a better buff, and RS with VC. Also, due to the marriage system not allowing Elesis and Elsword to marry, it’s safe to say there will be no buffs available for same characters(EG, RF and BM won’t work). These buffs will be small matters, such as 10% more damage or 5% more aspd, 20% more de, etc.
Thus having an mmo that uses the story as a game mechanic.

An easy way to set it up is like how Soul Linker works in Ragnarok. Soul Linker has a linking skill for each branch for every class(aside from Ninja and Gunslinger unless it’s actually been updated). However, unlike Soul Linker, it shouldn’t cost the player any sp, it should work just like DNF’s QP system, or Dragon Nest’s extra passives and have it unlocked once you hit 40.
There should be no correlation between the characters(meaning if BM has the LK passive and LK doesn’t have the BM passive, does not mean BM gets no buff, he should still get the max bonus(or at the very least, 50%)).
Let’s say you gain 1 point per level, and each passive costs 5sp. In the end, you can gain 14 passives so far. There’s 27(though you take off the 3 of your own class) classes, thus while the game will allow many options for a free player, the company can still make profit with both point resets and giving more points. This also means the player has to choose what the player likes the most, or if the player normally plays with friends, choose the specific classes.

In retrospect, maybe choosing more than one of every class is rather silly story-wise. How could LK have both RF and BM passives if only one Raven exists. Therefore the point system can go away and you would only get 3 slots at the start to choose from(consider the 3 you party with), go up to 4 once you cap and the other 2 will be unlocked through cash.

Elsword: Why Base Elsword technically makes Lord Knight look like shit

Note: LK is actually one of my favorite classes(the others being CN, SD and IP, (Seraph story-wise).

I mean, look at this guy, lol.

So while some will see it as complete bashing; this is fine, it’s your own perspective and it should be respected just as my own.
Also note this is more based on story and pve, I gave up awhile ago on pvp and just use Arma Blade. He’s just a really old class, while the core that makes elsword is still great, it’s just hard to compete. Just like Chung’s System while cool at the time, is rather outdated(that’ll be another post).

Elsword the class can be split into a few categories.
LK/IS->Physical, RS->Magical
LK/RS->Burst, IS->DPS
LK->support most don’t care for, RS->damage support, IS->no support(lol)
All are fine, until his intro gets introduced.

A whole new level of combos, skills, and style is unleashed when Elsword advances into a Lord Knight. As his combos are extended, his melee attacks become more powerful. Its quick slash could knock down the enemy in the blink of an eye making him an extremely deadly swordsman, the Lord Knight!

Both his new combos extensions suck ass(not too much mention slow as hell, to the point I abused how slow it was for cool downs). A lot of his skills technically show how fast LK can be(sonic blade, sandstorm, windmill, Gigantic Slash(his new passive is also supposed to point how fast he should be, creating waves just from normal combos)), it’s understandable since he trained with BM, but then why is his combos so bloody lame.

This melee-type class has the maximum attack speed among all the other classes.

Then why is half the bloody cast have better aspd than him, lol(IS, GA, WS, DW, BM(though he’s honestly slow as BM compared to ST), Ara and Add(not even mentioning Crimson Avenger which was basically what LK was meant to be revamped to combowise)). However, this post is centralized just between the elswords, so in terms of LK’s speed(the stat that’s meant to be prominent for him), he’s not only outmatched by IS, he also just barely ties with RS with RS’ addition of >>^xz loop.

Another issue is his armor break. The initial entry of armor break affected both defenses, and it was great(though also OP). The second rendition of armor break took out the magic defense part, and the latest change was to change the effect to only around 40% of someone’s defense.
The middle doesn’t sound so bad, and compared to the latest, it’s pretty decent. However, when you consider the higher tier classes in Elsword, pretty much none of them are physical to begin with, until the entry of SD and Avenger and maybe IP with the new revamp(all his skills become physical with Strong Will).
Thus, LK can bring a decent support for three characters(again, I’m not mentioning other classes, otherwise I’d bring buffs into question). RS’s magic chain brings support to a much larger amount of players. IS does nothing(lol). Though to be honest, just having a water enchant beats all of their debuffs, lol.

For fields, he at least has arma blade to make it easier in fields, though honestly slower than other methods. Sandstorm and windmill more or less gets overshadowed by Arma Blade aside from aerial sections where they’re all jumbled into one place. With a high level weapon, then a sword wave will suffice. So while he did get an improvement on aoe, many of his skills try to the same thing, making them redundant.

However, the main issue I’d like to point out is that he barely improved since base class against bosses. Armor Break isn’t as great as it used to be(and it only did a 20% damage boost at best back then). Arma Blade isn’t for bossing, Double Slash is useless overall, having a 3k% lower than TG(with the damage already being converted into a physical modifier). Spiral Blast does actually very well after ST rebalance, doing a close 5k% I believe, except that skill was always rather odd to use( not to mention FG is just as good, with a faster cast speed and -50 mp cost to it).
While Gigantic Slash is technically better than TG, it needs an item and the cooldown is horrendous( I still love the bloody skill though). Sandstorm is more used for vitality charge, but FG and spiral blast is just as good, both doing more damage and FG costing less MP.

You can say, “same can be said for RS”. Yet, his magic attack power is naturally higher, an active to raise critical damage and having a passive to decrease magical defense to boot. He’s more like a super base elsword. He knew his Geysers were the most bloody OP shit he had, and just eventually kept updating it. He’s also the only one to have some kind of counter for magic. A lot of skills suck ass for sure, but the rest is rather good. His hyper is also better.

IS can also be seen as a class that just never improved since base. However, he became a dps class, while not the most OP, he has the most progress of the 3 in terms of varying his playstyle. This mostly because he’s rather new compared to the other 2. Becoming such a speed demon, attacking twice as much as most classes, a better mdust, a 10mp active that not only does over 500%, but gives back much more mp than used. The fastest crossover, a passive that either buffs him up the more he attacks or saps away mp and crit chances up the ass. And harsh chaser, while it might be weird to put this outside of the others, just the grouping aspect will not only raise the damage passive faster, but also cause more crits and a better time management for phantom sword.

In short, it’s never the fact that LK is bad, he’s just nowhere first to be picked for parties. It just seems like LK doesn’t improve much after base class. In another post, I might talk about how to improve LK to make it even more what he was meant to be by description and a few other matters.

Elsword: Soloing, the path of suffering; How bosses and fields should be improved in terms of partying

Note: This article won’t have the discussion on stoic enemies, that’ll be placed in a different post.

Elsword in general is an ongoing process. Where it be choices that you fail to see the point or blatantly don’t agree with, it keeps on changing with the purpose of pleasing its audience; they’re a profit-based company after all.
The differences can be seen quite different, depending on when you started elsword. You might’ve seen more seen more changes than I have, or you may have started playing recently.
At the least, I’ll be talking about how it’s been changing for quite a few years.

I’ve been playing, outside of the temporary account, on and off since late 2008, I believe it was in December.
I’ll place it be “eras”. There are some in between(like where they nerfed hell dungeons to make hard mode as normal mode, and luto as hell mode), I’m just listing the ones that stood out to me.

First Era:
In this era, there was already difficulty scaling. There was HP scaling depending on the difficulty mode you partook in, alongside lesser scaling of attack and defense. I’m not really sure if there was amount of party members(1-2 and 3-4), but I believe there was. Many bosses had much more hp than they currently do, such as King Nasod.
The amount of stamina used was also static. IIRC, King Nasod took 9% of stam, lower with team. Let’s say 2 people would be 8%, if the other person was a leech, it’d cost him 8 stamina anyway, even though he never killed anything.

Soloing and partying were completely different experiences though. Soloing in this point had a much better return than it did with partying. For one thing, you got more exp during solo, and you also kept all them items and ed.
At the time, ed and items were shared between all participants, and even exp was distributed by the amount of players.

The only benefit of partying was the higher drop rate of having people and that it was not only faster, but also took less stamina.
Do take note that is also the reason why you’ll normally only take 3 people in a party.
Normally if a drop rate is 1%, thus it becomes (2/100) * (1/3) with 3 people. With 4, change the 1/3 to 1/4. So unless it’s a specific area(such as 4-X where the drop is different for all characters), it’s normally 3 people.

In short:


  • More exp, ed and items


  • Higher drop rate
  • Faster completion times
  • Lower stamina consumption rate

Second Major Era:
The amount of buffed mobs were now dependent on how many people were in your party.
This was a decent ploy to get people to party more often, and honestly it’d be ok if it just stayed this way.
Party and Solo exp gap difference was also lowered, not much different between the two, but solo would still get more pure ed, party would get more items to sell.
Items were still not shared.

Third Major Era:
This is the one most people will be familiar with, the “field system”.
You’d get more exp and ed in party.
Every item is also duplicated to the amount of people in the party.
Sadly, this is also where bosses just became walking HP pools.

Since we finally got to the point of this topic, the bosses, matters can finally turn interesting.
The point of the bosses having massive HP pools were a few things. For one thing, it’s padding. The second is to give parties some type of difficulty.
However, the problem lies with that, parties will still breeze through them, leaving the people who solo more often stuck with beating the crap out of sander boss that’s overstaying its welcome. The problem with fields also arises during this time, where the sudden jump of mobs after a certain part of Hamel and much more so in Sanders.

[Field Section]
Field is actually an easy fix, depending on the amount of players(1-2, 3-4), differentiate the amount of mobs per section to a lower and higher amount respectively. Also add more aerial mobs in the 3-4 column. For one thing, it makes it less of a chore for the soloists and not change much for the people that party. The party would get more exp naturally just by the higher amount of mobs, it already creates the incentive for the soloist to join. Not only because it’s statistically faster, but because the soloist is basically playing the lame mode.

[Field System Section]
The field system can also have a similar scenario, where the amount of mobs is determined by the amount of people until a cap where it stops itself from being abused. It would feel less of a chore, not only to go back and kill in the same spawn points, fighting with other players to get certain sections of the field. Also, as a side suggestion, everybody in the field would be in one big party. The troublesome part would be programming the kicking system. Let’s say if you even give a person 30 seconds to kill something, some ass could kill everything in one go. The reasoning behind it is that this will also lower the amount of mobs, thus debilitating yourself in the process.

[Boss Section]
For bosses, it requires just a little more coding than just a count condition that fires up the extra mobs, or it could done in the reverse way as well. Since this more on loading textures and all the respective attributes to make it playable, it’s not like just removing elements. Either way will work, just one is much more optimized.
Tech talk aside, it’s rather simple to tweak bosses to be more fun in a party, and less of a chore for soloists.
For example, Chief Karu starts at 35 HP bars, simply just making it 20 and simply add 5 per character would make it less of a hassle. Of course that’s only for this example, mathematically, having a base and then adding a 1.2 multiplier would make it simple. Thus 20, 24, 29, 35 if they round by ceil.

However, what I wanted to talk about was the potential a boss can change just by the number of participants in the party. For this example, I’ll talk about Helputt and Type H.
Helputt is a rather bland boss in a party since you could wail on him. If you go through his moveset, he has an auto LD, Carpet, CC and Scare Chase. For now, let’s put these in set A. Set A will be for soloists. Now for parties, we could a set B, which not only includes set A with a lower frequency, but add other moves such as Heavy Railgun instead of CC, Wonder Wall, Dread Chase instead of scare chase, the other type of LD. And a whole new buff that will slow him down, however every hit against him gets parried by the normal counter blast. Thus now he a bit more crowd control, he has a defensive option and a counter system designed to counteract against the parties that spam like no tomorrow and kill him under a minute.

Type H could be of similar scenarios. For one, you can give him Harsh Chaser and Windmill. Another is to vary between Final Strike and Storm Blade. But I leave the most interesting would be the variable between Arma Blade and Phantom Sword. And even going more balls to the wall is to give a combo variation of Arma and Phantom. Thus now having to worry about 3 ways of rape. Either you get a sword that hits farther than the actual area, two arma blades, or two phantom blades with his normal combo. And possible a 10% joke of failure to do any of the 3 and his sword just blows up and take off a few bars of his health(and probably ohko you as well if you’re in the vincinity).